Monday, December 28, 2020

A Gentleman`s Guide To Travel Necessities: The Spork

The good old, omnipresent spork: You see it displayed in all shapes and variants (namely in dedicated "show me the contents of you purse pages" also known as "EDC" websites) , which is surprising as it is limited on how many alterations to a proven design you can make something useless.

The favorite way of getting there is to add as many functions as possible to your eating utensils that EATING with it is the last thing you want to do with your tomahawk/spearhead/wrench/signal mirror monstrosity.

A spork as such is a fork, a spoon and maybe a slightly serrated edge to cut your tatties. And not to slice your mouth open with a razor sharp edge.....

But yes, guilty as charged: I do carry these miraculous eating utensils routinely on my travels...wherever my former employer seemed fit to send me.

Mostly to some dodgy hotels close to an airport where for some reason the restaurant was closed at 19:30 and the breakfast buffet was opening about 2 hours later of my departure from said hotel.

So in order to have some chow before bedtime or at least something looking like breakfast I had to leg it to a nearby gas station for yogurts, some milk, maybe a micro pack with cereals and maybe some instant ramen (or if I was VERY lucky a instant meal containing bacon and mashed tatties).

As most hotels have a electric kettles for tea and "coffee" making a little meal is easier than thought...however: Eating ramen or ceral with teaspoons is a bothersome affair, hence the spork.

Sporks of choice: One out of plastic, one out of titanium.
One cheap, the other expensive.
Both LightMyFire

Both have serrated edges for shenanigans like...

...cutting up a tetra pak with milk...

...and use it as a ad hoc bowl.
"But I have a KNIFE! Why don`t you just use your KNIFE?"
You don`t fly much, do you?

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Stunt Kite Fun

  I managed to attach a "NoPro" camera between the bridles of a stunt kite and got fairly good results: