Thursday, January 9, 2020

Survival: The Tree Bark Bread

This is, strictly speaking, not a "survival bread" but just a method (taught to me during mandatory service) to at least partly substitute flour with tree bark and ground, wild seeds.

I use my old mess tin for it, but thick walled cans can also be used!

My trusty mess tin :-) 
("Souvenir" from my mandatory service 93-94)

First we need to make the "Flour" : I make a rasp out of a jar lid by punching 
a number of holes from the inside and out.

It is a bit tedious but....

...worth it!
Of course I asked for permission before doing this!

10 minutes of work: Lots of "spruce flour"

I also make "Birch flour" and throw it to the mix.

All ingredients good to go. As you can see I am adding real flour
as well. (Purists would claim shenanigans but I was lazy and
did not make flour out of wild seeds)

Dry yeast is the best to use, but baking soda can also be used.
("Sodium Bicarbonate" can be found in your medkits or in a fire extinguisher)

All on board!

Add water gradually, just add enough so the dough is not all too sticky.

Make your hands wet to prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers.

Voila! :-)

Place your bread in the mess tin/can

Put it in your fires embers, NOT direct flames!

25 minutes later :-)

Enjoy, its high on fiber :-)

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Stunt Kite Fun

  I managed to attach a "NoPro" camera between the bridles of a stunt kite and got fairly good results: