Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Survival: The Survival Monkey Fist

Some time ago I have seen a very nice survival set: It was a plastic ball filled with equipment and then wrapped in a monkey fist knot.
The price turned me off a bit and the badly performed knots (Hey, I AM a Master Mariner...) so I decided to make one myself.
The only real problem was to limit myself to stuff I would REALLY need in an emergency, elsewise I would need a HAMSTER BALL to fit all the equipment I wish I could carry with me.
But hey, I managed and here is the result:

A well performed 14 strand monkey fist.
Damn, I`m GOOD!

I found this ball made out of acryl plastic in the ship`s box with
Christmas decorations: This will do just fine!

The two halves fit tightly together.

Now I just need to fill it with a whole lot of survival goodness!

I`m adding some of these compressed napkins: They can be useful for capillary filtration , personal hygiene, protecting against heat stroke or as bandage.

What is a compressed napkin? Allow me to demonstrate: Take a napkin pellet...

...and add water. It will absorb all water (which makes it great for getting
 water out of hard-to-get places) and swell to its original size.

A small BIC lighter with ca 5 m of duct tape.

Acrylic glue: Always a winner, especially for treating wounds.

I`m a clean freak: So I got to have toothpaste!

Two Stanley blades will do for improvised knifes and as Improvised Compass.

5 freezer bags for SODIS and water transportation.

SOLAS reflective tape

Napkin pellets

Signal mirror

Alcohol swabs.

A Fresnel Lens for making a fire.

A magnet for the Improvised Compass

Tinfoil is always nice to have!

Sodium Hypchloride tablets for water purification.

And 6 tampons for water filtration.


A monkey fist so large and with so thin cord is a challenging task.
I make a frame out of LEGO to avoid the biggest confusion.

And after a short while: Voila! The Survival Monkey Fist!

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Stunt Kite Fun

  I managed to attach a "NoPro" camera between the bridles of a stunt kite and got fairly good results: